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Hometown Professionals

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Hometown Professionals

Your local real estate experts.
Hometown Professionals is a real estate company based in East Lansing, Michigan. We serve the Greater Lansing area. This included Lansing, Bath, Charlotte, Dewitt, East Lansing, Eaton Rapids, Grand Ledge, Haslett, Holt, Okemos, Potterville, Williamston and more.  

At Hometown Professionals we believe in old fashioned "hometown" values such as hard work, cooperation, commitment and loyalty. 

We treat you like family, putting your needs first and helping you every step of the way to make your real estate transaction as pleasant and easy as possible. 

We are dedicated to the idea of neighbors helping neighbors. 

Hard Work
We do it all for you and don't stop till the job is done.

Our relationship with you doesn't end at the closing. We are here for you to help you however we can. We can help orient you to your new community and provide information and referrals to other professionals and organizations  in the area.
Hometown Professionals
5030 Northwind Dr. Suite 120
East Lansing, MI. 48823
MSU gardens
State Capital Building
MSU gardens
Hometown Professionals, Realtors